Friday 13 January 2012

Painless Ways to Add Fiber to Your Diet

Source: Painless Ways to Add Fiber to Your Diet

Whether you're a serious meat eater who considers a side salad enough greens for the day, or someone who just hates veggies, if one of your New Year's resolutions is to eat more fiber, here are some easy ways to increase your roughage without a disapproving peep from your taste buds.

  • Have a sweet tooth? Add spinach to homemade brownies, mash baked sweet potato into pancake mix, or add shredded carrots to banana bread.
  • Don't just grab any ol' box of cereal. Choose a cereal that has at least eight grams of fiber per serving.
  • Become a fan of flax. Sprinkle whole flaxseeds onto your bowl of cereal, or if the texture is a turnoff, use ground flaxmeal instead. You can also add flaxseed or flaxmeal to pizza dough, pancake batter, and cookie and muffin recipes.
  • Make a smoothie for breakfast (or even dessert) with tons of fresh or frozen fruit. Throw in a few spinach or kale leaves for added fiber. The sweetness of the fruit hides the taste of the greens and since it's blended so well, the texture is completely smooth - no chewing your veggies required.

More from FitSugar: How to Add More Veggies to Your Lunch

  • Halve an avocado and spread the smooth green creaminess on a slice of bread. This healthy fat will add almost seven grams of fiber to your sammy.
  • Blend veggies such as broccoli, green beans, and carrots in a food processor, and mix the puree into your pasta sauce.
  • Add beans, like kidney or pinto, to beef stews and soups. The beans soak up the savory flavors other ingredients, increasing your fiber intake with every spoonful. I'm a fan of Eden canned beans since the cans are BPA-free.
  • Incorporate veggies into dishes you already love such as peas into your mac and cheese, sliced tomatoes and mushrooms on your pizza, or spinach and peppers in your scrambled eggs. Cut up the veggies small to make them blend in better.
  • Eat your fruit instead of drinking it. A medium orange contains three grams of fiber, while orange juice contains none.

Related Content:
6 Gluten-Free Breakfast Ideas With 10 Grams of Fiber
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7 Tips For Relieving Tummy Troubles Caused by Fiber

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