Tuesday 10 January 2012

How to Stay Happy All the Time

Are you the one who gets stressed easily?
Who walks around like he is carrying the burden of the world on his shoulder? Do you end up seeing the bad even in good things? If the answer to these questions is yes, then you suffer from SAS - Sad Always Syndrome.

Many-a-times happy people are stared at and questioned oh-so-often about what makes them happy. Sometimes I feel being happy is considered taboo. It is like if you are not sad and don't complain & whine you don't 'fit in'. But I also feel that it is time to change this. Being happy (no matter what) is what you must chose and this is how you can stay happy at most (if not all) times.

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1. Look at the positive side

Every situation has two sides - good & bad. No matter how bad the circumstances may appear to be, there is always a silver lining. When the going gets tough, toughen up and face the adversities with a smile. Accept that life is rough and you have no choice but to deal with it head-on. Try and find the positive side to every situation and you will end up being happier and relatively at ease.

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2. Accept the realities of life

Traffic, annoying bosses', fiercely competitive colleagues, crowded trains, potholes etc. are an inevitable part of your life. The more you allow these everyday realities to get to you, the more frustrated you will be. Accept these as a way of life and you will be more at peace.

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3. Be comfortable with who are you

No one is perfect. No matter how amazing a certain person may seem, he has his flaws. It is wise to accept your flaws with the ease with which you accept your good qualities. While you may strive to better yourself as a person at all times, it is advisable to not beat yourself down by obsessing over your short-comings. The sooner you get comfortable in your skin, the better you will feel and the happier you will be.

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4. Don't patronize and keep the distance

One of the most obvious causes of misery is the inability to say 'no' in certain situations. Learn to refuse when you are not okay with certain things. Patronizing and agreeing to others' opinions/requests just for the heck of it is not only stupid but certainly the cause of unhappiness. So stay clear of it. Also, certain people can be a bad influence in your life. These are the chronic whiners, the pessimists and the jealous ones who always try to pull you down. Show the door to such people and keep your distance from them.

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To be honest, staying happy is not difficult. You just have to make a genuine attempt at it and happiness could well be your best friend.

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