Wednesday 11 January 2012

4 Ways to combat a cold sores

By Abby Cuffey

' Tis the season for relapses: stress, lack of sleep and a weakening of the immune system (of a cold or flu) are all cold trigger headaches, says Laura Knobel, MD, Member of the American Academy of family physicians. If you vulnerable to these painful injuries (generally a few days to take a week), try these four tips to stay free from pain. Photo by Creatas.

1. Always wear a lip balm with a sun protection factor of at least 15 UV rays of the Sun (in winter) can activate virus.

See surprising so that you can make Sun.

(2) When you start to feel the sensation of tingling, try a topical cream without prescription such as Abreva, to minimize the wound. Apply with a cotton swab, not your fingers. You can spread the virus if you touch your mouth, and then another part of your body.

(3) At your next visit to doc, ask an antiviral Rx med (as zovirax), an epidemic block, if you help it on the feeling.

Discover 8, your doctor that you want to know.

4 Purchase a new brush teeth after that injury that heals. The virus may remain on your old.

Original article was published the

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