Thursday 12 January 2012

Crossing Over....A Poem

I crossed over Yordan
and what did I see,
but my saviors arms wide open,
waiting there for me.

As we embraced
our hearts became as one,
it was in that moment
I knew "I" was done.

A new life;
now found in HIM,
I've left all the pleasures
that led me to sin.

Now I find myself
wrapped in HIS protection,
waiting for HIS return
I no longer fear rejection.

In HIS word;
ancient paths revealed,
I find myself now
cleansed and healed.

No longer a beggar
walking with strife,
no longer dreading
the chaos of life.

I cling to HIS word
and the testimony of HIS name,
I live for my YAH,
in which there's no shame....

By eL.trybe

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