Monday 9 January 2012

How Many Calories Are There in a Pound – How to Lose 1 Pound

When we talk about weight loss goals, we generally talk in pounds yet when we talk about achieving weight loss we talk in terms of calories. The question then arises, how do you equate calories and pounds?


Knowing the answer to how many calories are in a pound will make weight loss much easier!

{Your weight loss plateau could be caused by not having essential information.}

Knowing how many calories are in a pound is essential information for weight loss; if you don't have this information then you are just spinning your wheels and this could be stalling your fat loss.

The Magic Number

How many calories are there in a pound?

It is perhaps the most important question you need answered to understand how to lose weight successfully. Without this number, how do you determine what and how much to eat? How do you decide how many calories you need to burn?

Well this is the magic number: 3, 500. One pound of body fat equals 3,500 calories, which means that you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you eat each week to lose 1 pound. This works out to approximately 500 calories burned each day-over the number of calories you take in:

500 (calories) x 7 (days each week) = 3,500 calories burned = 1 pound of fat loss.

So you can see that the weight loss equation is pretty simple, at least on paper.

But how do you put these numbers into real life?

How To Lose 1 Pound

Now that you can how many calories are in a pound, it's time to talk about ways to lose a pound.

You know that the path to weight loss begins with a calorie deficit; which means you are burning more calories than you eat and drink. But how do you lose 1 pound?

Creating a calorie deficit each week can be accomplished in 3 ways;

  • Consume 500 fewer calories in food & drink.
  • Burn 500 more calories through physical activity than you take in.
  • Eat and drink 250 fewer calories and burn 250 more calories than you consume.

Obviously any of these 3 methods will help you accomplish weight loss, but the last method is the most likely to give you the body you've always wanted.


Find out how many calories are in a pound so you can lose a pound...every week!

{Losing 1 pound each week requires a balanced diet and regular exercise.}

*Keep in mind that these numbers are based on how to lose 1 pound in a week, these numbers will differ if your goal is to lose more or less than 1 pound per week.

Current Calorie Count

Now that you're aware of how many calories are in a pound, it's time to talk about how many calories you currently consume each day. If you don't know how many calories you eat and drink, then you'll need to keep a food journal for at least a few days.

This doesn't mean you need to obsessively document every single calorie, but it does mean that you should write down what you eat and how often you eat it. This will give you a good idea of your eating habits, so that you can take steps to change them.

If the majority of your meals each day come in a paper bag or Styrofoam box, then you know that to burn the calories in a pound, you'll have to eat more fruits and vegetables and less fast food.

Don't believe me? Consider what the calories are in a Big Mac, fries and a Coke compared to healthy homemade lunches.

Add lean proteins like fish and chicken breast to your diet, and reduce the amount of fatty and processed foods you eat each day.

Getting Physical

One major reason that so many of us experiences stalled or failed weight loss is that we forget to add exercise to our daily lives. Yes, eating for weight loss is essential to learning how to lose a pound, but physical activity will help shape your body and give it a smaller appearance.

Although it can be difficult to get an exact number of calories burned during a workout, a general rule of thumb pointed out to me by my friend John Barban is to underestimate the calories burned that register on exercise equipment.

Knowing how many calories are in a pound and finding ways to create a calorie deficit are two different matters. Read out Eat Stop Eat review to see how intermittent fasting can help you eat better for more successful weight loss.

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