Monday 9 January 2012

The Frustration of Dealing with Rosacea

The skin disease rosacea affects over 16 million people in the United States alone. However, the vast majority of sufferers have not received an accurate diagnosis. In fact, a recent survey reports that 78 percent of Americans know nothing about the disease. If patients are unfamiliar with the disease, they cannot seek proper treatment for rosacea.

Dealing with rosacea can be painful, time-consuming and frustrating. The physical symptoms of rosacea cause discomfort and irritation. Rosacea normally appears in those who are over age 30. It is generally not a constant problem, but has periods of flare-ups followed be periods of remission. In the first stages of rosacea, redness sporadically appears on the forehead, nose and/or cheeks. It can also be present on the ears, scalp, neck or even the chest. If rosacea is untreated, it becomes more severe. The redness becomes deeper and occurs more often. Blood vessels become visible, then bumps, pimples and excess tissue can develop. Many rosacea patients also experience irritated, red eyes.

Rosacea can also have negative effects on the mental health and well-being of sufferers. There is extreme frustration involved when people do not know the cause of their symptoms. Many patients are not aware that there is hope and treatment for rosacea. Eye-opening studies by the National Rosacea Society give insight into the severity of the problem. Over 76 percent of people who suffer from rosacea say that their self-confidence and self-esteem has suffered as a result of this disease. 41 percent of sufferers have even missed social events because of their rosacea. The results are even more pronounced among those with a severe form of rosacea. 88 percent of severe rosacea patients admit that the disease has affected their professional careers, and 51 percent have had to miss work due to flare-ups of their disease.

These statistics are sobering since there is no cure for rosacea. The cause of rosacea is also unknown. However, treatment for rosacea is available, and it can help sufferers increase both their physical and mental health. Each case of rosacea is different, so what works for one patient might not work for another. If you suffer from rosacea, it is important to work closely with a physician to customize your treatment plan.

The frustration of rosacea is lessened when sufferers have a successful treatment plan. There are numerous options available as treatment for rosacea. In some cases, oral antibiotics can reduce the severity of rosacea symptoms. Researchers do not know exactly why antibiotics are helpful, but suspect that it is most likely due To the anti-inflammatory properties of antibiotics. Topical creams can reduce the redness, swelling and discomfort that comes from rosacea. They can also help improve the skin's appearance. In advanced cases of rosacea, surgical procedures might be necessary. Laser treatments can reduce the appearance of enlarged blood vessels, lessen redness and correct nose disfigurement.

The symptoms of rosacea can also be lessened by proper skin care. Environmental factors such as sun exposure or air pollution can aggravate rosacea, so prevention is key to avoid flare-ups.

MyReviewsNow offers information regarding the treatment for rosacea. To learn more about the treatment for rosacea, visit our website at

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