Friday 27 January 2012

Electronic Abdominal Toning Devices – Do They Actually Work?

The use of electronic abdominal toning devices in order to lose weight and tone your stomach area has been seen on television for quite some time now. Infomercials as well as actual demonstrations in shopping malls are not that uncommon. The big question is if these devices actually do as they claim? Or are they just another fad that will come to pass in time?

A lot of people are debating regarding the efficiency of these electronic abdominal toning devices. Some would claim that they actually have pleasing results but there are others that argue that it does not help you lose weight.

From a medical standpoint, the use of electricity to stimulate the muscles of the body has been an established practice. EMS or Electronic Muscle Stimulation is utilized by hospitals and physical therapy institutions in order to help people with conditions regarding muscle atrophy, regaining function and motion in extremities, decreasing spasms in muscles and enhancing the natural healing process after surgery.

Now if you are wondering exactly what EMS has to do with abdominal toning devices, EMS is the technology that is used in these devices. Basically, what manufactures claim is that the product enhances and stimulates the natural contractions of the muscles in the abdominal area. And by doing so in a constant rate and manner, the muscles are toned and become firmer.

Well, at first it does seem like a good deal to try but there have been studies made regarding these products which disprove this claim. In a study performed in order to test the efficacy of these electronic abdominal toning devices, the subjects found the method to be a waste of time. It was observed that weight loss was not achieved and that no apparent change had occurred to the muscles of the abdominal region. There were even comments that the process was painful and could cause numbness or difficulty in movement.

What It Can Do

What these products can do is to be able to strengthen your muscles. By constantly contracting, your muscles gain better endurance and resistance. Unfortunately, there is no correlation to losing weight or fat in this region. Also, the dimensions of the body (particularly the waist area) will remain the same.

Risks Involved

For those that still want to consider trying out these electronic abdominal toning devices, you can still do so. But before you proceed with purchasing this product, make sure that you have no current condition that could potentially endanger your life when used in combination with the product. This pertains to certain electronic devices that have been surgically implanted in the body such as pacemakers for the heart and other metallic implants like bone pins and plates. This could potentially harm your well being when used together with a electronic toning device.

To ensure that you are safe to try this type of product, make sure to consult your doctor first. That way you are assured that there are no major risks involved in the process.

For further information regarding abdominal toning devices, please visit our website at

Ten Foods that Help You Lose Weight

Ten foods that help you lose weight Add these fresh foods to your weekly shopping list to help your weight loss.

These 10 foods pack a nutritious punch with vitamins and minerals, which can help kick your weight loss into gear and fuel your body with the good stuff.

Blueberries Loaded with anti-oxidants, phyto flavonoids and vitamin C, berries may help lower your risk of heart disease, cancer and act as an anti-inflammatory. Studies have also shown that blueberries may help with short-term memory loss associated with brain-ageing. The darker the colour, the more anti-oxidants. Best of all, you can enjoy berries all year round as frozen are just as good as fresh. Extra-lean beef A common nutrient deficiency in women is iron. Enjoying extra-lean beef in your diet is a guaranteed iron injection, without excess saturated fat. Iron helps make up haemoglobin, the oxygen-carrier in the blood. Without enough iron, you can suffer from fatigue, poor concentration and even increase your body's susceptibility to colds and infections.
Fresh herbs Of the 50 foods highest in anti-oxidants, 13 are fresh herbs and spices. One study at the University of Oslo in Norway found oregano had 42 times more anti-oxidants than apples. One tablespoon of fresh oregano has the same free-radical fighting power as one medium-sized apple. Legumes Legumes, including chickpeas, kidney beans and black beans are low-GI foods which help regulate blood sugar and appetite. Black beans are particularly rich in fibre and nutrients, plus they're almost fat-free. Legumes can aid weight loss as they fill you up on fewer kilojoules and POINTS values than many meat sources of protein.
Oats Not only packed with fibre, oats are brimming with protein, good fats and vitamins and minerals. They've been known to help ease the harmful effects of "bad" cholesterol and reduce blood pressure. Buy natural rolled oats (leave the sugar-loaded sachets on the shelf) and cook them in the microwave with skim milk, topped with banana and a drizzle of honey for a super-nutritious breakfast. Oranges Most famously know for their vitamin C, oranges also contain many phytochemicals thought to lower the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and inflammatory conditions in women. Oranges also contain potassium, good for water balance between cells and assisting with high blood pressure. Raw nuts Each nut contains its own unique profile of phytochemicals, types of fatty acids, and amounts of fibre. Most nuts contain monounsaturated fat, which may help lower "bad" cholesterol. Remember to watch your portions as it's easy to eat too many.
Spinach Popeye wasn't right about the iron content of spinach, as the form of iron in spinach is not as absorbable as animal sources. However, he was getting a great daily dose of B vitamin folate. Spinach is one of nature's best sources of folate, which helps prevent birth defects and may lower the risk of heart disease, dementia and even colon cancer. Tomatoes Tomatoes are well known for their high amounts of lycopene, which is considered a potential agent for prevention of some types of cancer. But this tasty fruit also packs other anti-oxidants, too, including betacarotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Tomatoes are truly one of nature's superfoods! Yoghurt Our digestive system needs a healthy amount of "good" bacteria in the digestive tract. One way we can assist good bacteria is by boosting probiotic intake. Look for low-fat yoghurt with active cultures such as acidophilus, but keep an eye on the sugar content. Yoghurt is also rich in protein, making it a filling snack.

Top 5 Worst Beauty Habits to Give Up

Our skin is the first thing people notice about us. And no makeup can help if you suffer from various skin problems. It is absolutely essential to find out and eradicate the reason that causes pimples, irritations and other skin problems. The reasons can be really diversified starting from unhealthy diet to our own beauty habits. Let's find out which of your usual yet harmful beauty habits cause skin problems and how to quit them.

Harmful Beauty Habit #1: Sleeping with your makeup on

Top 5 Harmful Beauty Habits that Cause Skin Problems

Sleeping with your makeup on is an absolute no-no if you want to have beautiful, healthy skin. Just imagine you are going to expose your skin to a real torture, sleeping with a day's worth of makeup, grease and oil on your skin is a one-way ticket to clogged pores and as a result serious skin problems.

Harmful Beauty Habit #2: Using expired cosmetics

Very often we don't even think that our fave mascara has a very limited lifetime. The same goes to beauty aids and other makeup products. Carefully follow the use-by date instructions given to one or another makeup product and never use cosmetics more than 12 months after opening it. (The sign below indicates how long cosmetics can be used after opening. Find it on the packaging. )

Top 5 Harmful Beauty Habits that Cause Skin Problems

Harmful Beauty Habit #3: Reapplying your makeup

Never reapply your makeup during the day. You can't even imagine how harmful reapplying of makeup is for your skin. Reapplying of foundation or blush over your morning makeup will clog your pores and as a result cause irritation, pimples and acne. It is better to invest in matte cosmetic tissues that would cleanse your skin and matt at the same time.

Harmful Beauty Habit #4: Overexfoliation

Top 5 Harmful Beauty Habits that Cause Skin Problems

Although exfoliation is a key point in your daily beauty routine, you shouldn't try too hard. Remember, everything is good in moderation, thus overexfoliation can result in intensifying oil production that leading to breakouts and acne. Only gentle scrubs and exfoliators can be used every day.

Harmful Beauty Habit #5: Using dirty makeup brushes

Top 5 Harmful Beauty Habits that Cause Skin Problems

Makeup brushes require proper care and cleansing. Using dirty makeup brushes can run into various skin problems. Makeup brushes accumulate cosmetics particles as well as dead skin cells creating a perfect environment for bacterias.

Cheech: The Comedian Who Loves Art

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How to to Avoid Injuries in Yoga Class

CN Digital Studio

CN Digital Studio



By Bari Lieberman, SELF magazine

The yoga scene is buzzing with claims that the practice will wreck your body. (It seems like only yesterday journals were touting that yoga and stretching were key components to alleviating moderate low-back pain and boosting back function!)

Related: Kristen Bell Answers Your Biggest Health Questions

While it's easy to start pointing fingers, it's important to remember that ultimately you're responsible for preventing injury. It's up to the instructor to develop a safe class and teach proper form, but you have to listen to your body and know when to modify if necessary.

So I turned to anatomy genius Joe Miller for advice. Miller is a senior yoga teacher and teacher training instructor at OM Yoga Center in New York City. Plus, he has an MA in applied physiology and the yoga credential of being an E-RYT 500.

Here's what he had to say:

When you're in yoga class, how do you know if you're pushing yourself too far?

"The obvious clue is if you're feeling pain. Some poses are challenging and require effort, but you shouldn't be in pain. It's also important to practice honesty because it's easy to fool yourself and ignore those signals. If you're saying things like, 'Well, it's not so bad,' or 'I'm sure it's nothing,' or 'I won't be here that long,' that probably means it hurts. Change what you're doing so that it doesn't hurt, or ask your teacher for advice on how to modify the pose."

See more: The Healthiest Cities for Women

What are yoga modifications for common poses that everyone should be aware of?
1. If your hip mobility is limited, elevating your pelvis on a folded blanket or two in seated poses will allow you to upright your pelvis more easily. This will help you avoid slumping, which can stress the lower back.
2. In standing poses, place your hands on blocks if you have difficulty bringing them to the floor.
3. If short hamstrings limit your ability to reach your feet with your hands in forward bends, loop a strap around the arch of the foot and hold the strap with your hands. The strap can help you lengthen your chest forward so that you don't strain your spine by over-rounding your back. This can be done with standing or seated forward bends.

"A one-size-fits-all approach can lead to injury if you try to force your body into some idealized shape. Practicing appropriate modifications allows you to experience the benefits of the practice while keeping yourself healthy," says Miller.

See more: How to Dine Out and Still Lose Weight

What's the easiest way to prevent injury in yoga class?

"It's easy to get distracted by the excitement of keeping up with everybody else in class and ignore the signals your body is sending you. The more you can remind yourself that you're practicing for long-term health and well being rather than short-term results, the more likely you are to listen to the signals that you might be heading towards an injury."

More from SELF:

• 20 Superfoods for Weight Loss
• Yoga Moves for Flat Abs
• 38 Antiaging Foods
• Gwyneth Paltrow's Arm and Ab Workout

Rachel Dratch and More Support the Afghan Women's Writing Project

At the organization's fundraiser, female actors and comedians joined together to fight the subjugation of Afghan women.

-Diana Denza,



Many of us know that women in Afghanistan struggle simply to survive in a country where hostility and violence has become part of everyday life. Simply living takes courage; writing stories of dreams, lost loved ones, and persecution can cost these women their lives.

As I headed to the Afghan Women's Writing Project poetry event on January 22, 2012, the air was frigid after an icy mix of snow and rain. The Brooklyn avenues were darkened and deserted.

When I finally arrived at the Magic Futurebox Theater, I took a seat in the spacious yet damp and grey venue. In a fair world, this event would have been held in a Broadway theater filled with throngs of deep-pocketed supporters. But even though the 50 or so attendees in the factory-turned-performing space thrust their hands into pockets or gloves for warmth, we were heartened simply to know that an organization like this exists.

Even in the brutal January cold, there are people out there who care enough to listen to a small group of actresses and comedians read these infinitely brave women's stories. One of those comedians was former Saturday Night Live star and author, Rachel Dratch. "Lynn [the event coordinator] is from my hometown," Dratch told me as she shivered in a pink hoodie on one of the theater's battered couches. "When she told me about this, I was hooked. I was already a bit aware of the hardships faced by Afghan women, but it's nice to know there are resources out there for them."

Though this funny lady's forte is a good comedy skit, she's impressively unafraid to make the leap out of her comfort zone and try new things. "My book, Girl Walks into a Bar, comes out this March," Dratch said. "It's an autobiography. It focuses a lot on my life when my career started to slow down a bit. I went on dates, had a midlife crisis, experienced a few calamities, and even did a little dog sitting. And then -surprise! -I got pregnant. I'm getting used to these new experiences. I'm reading poems today by Afghan women. This is serious and much unlike anything I've ever done before."

Not that the audience could tell that the calm and collected-looking Dratch was rushing to perfect her lines before the event. Injecting a bit of her usual comedy into an otherwise somber reading, she greeted the audience with, "Afghan women write in cold, windowless rooms. Today, we're replicating these conditions."

But this reading was most definitely worth the layers and gloves: funds raised by the event will go to providing Afghan women with needed Internet access, secure spaces to write, and laptops. The Afghan Women's Writing Project reports that every year, it takes $2,500 to give one woman the resources she needs to tell her story.

And these stories will simultaneously fill you with hope and break your heart.



One of the first standout pieces was "The Blue Cage," performed by Stephanie Masucci. Arifa, a young Afghan woman, wrote:

"Who am I under the blue burqa?

I want to fly from this blue cage.

I want to feel love and peace.

I want to take a pen and write dreams of freedom on the world walls."

Writer Chrissie Gruebel's reading of "Hope for Afghan Women" was a tear jerking call to change. Zahra A. wrote:

"This is my hope:

A country without war

Where women are counted as human beings,

Where peace lies in the soul of every Afghan,

Where peace in parents' hearts allows their children education,

And where children do not fear being blown up by a bomb on their way home."

Later, the second to last piece, titled "Sack of Winds," told the tale of a young woman's crushed dreams. As performed by actress Tracy Mull, Norwan writes: "I run after the winds/ in the blank deserts/ find nothing/ but dead wishes."

These sentiments stood in contrast to "My Dreams," which told a tale of rebirth and achievement despite crushing odds. Transformed into a song by Roopa Singh, the last performance of the afternoon left us with a sense of Afghan women's immeasurable strength. Farahnaz wrote:

"I flew higher and higher again.

I was very close to the sun,

And it was trying to destroy my wings again,

But the shine of my wings destroyed the sun.

There was no sun left this time to fire up my wings and

Take me far from my dreams.

Like me, my wishes are also shining in the sky.

I am full of confidence that my dreams are coming true."

After this unforgettable experience came to a close, I was left more convinced than ever that with a lot of effort and some time, we can help make these women's dreams come true.

To find out how you can help the Afghan Women's Writing Project, visit the organization's Get Involved tab.


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7 Myths About Prenatal Exercise

7 myths about prenatal exercise

7 myths about prenatal exercise

I credit much of my healthy, complication-free pregnancy to the fact that I got my butt out of bed every morning and exercised (minus the first and last couple of weeks). The benefits of prenatal exercise are undisputed - for both mom and baby. In fact, many experts say that being inactive is the real risk, leading to high blood pressure, excessive aches and pains, and a high risk for gestational diabetes.

But there are a lot of myths circulating about prenatal exercise, scaring women off from being active. I'd like to tackle each myth, debunking it with a mix of research and personal experience …

If you weren't active before pregnancy, you can't be active now

If you weren't active before pregnancy, you can't be active now

1. If you weren't active before pregnancy, you can't be active now

It's common belief that if you did (blank) before pregnancy, you can (blank) during your pregnancy. While helpful to those who've always been active, it can be confusing to those women who don't know where to get started. What if I used to be a runner, and I haven't laced up in a year? What if I wasn't too active - how much is safe now?

According to Raul Artal, MD, lead author of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' (ACOG) guidelines on prenatal exercise, "nowhere in the medical literature does it say that moderate exercise such as walking is unsafe, even for previously sedentary women." For normal, healthy pregnancies, Artal recommends walking 30 to 60 minutes a day, broken up however you'd like. The ACOG recommends that previously inactive women should start slowly - beginning with as little as 5 minutes of exercise a day and adding 5 minutes each week until they can stay active for 30 minutes a day.

The most important areas to focus on are your pelvic floor, hips, and back

The most important areas to focus on are your pelvic floor, hips, and back

2. The most important areas to focus on are your pelvic floor, hips, and back

I'm not sure where I read this during my pregnancy, but I focused all of my prenatal strength training on hip flexor and lower-back exercises - thinking it would strengthen the area needed for labor. But then I actually went through labor, and little did I know that it actually works every muscle in your body - even muscles you didn't know you had. (Not to mention you'll spend the next year carrying a heavy car seat/infant/diaper bag.)

Speaking from personal experience, I urge you to strengthen your arms, legs, and core as well. As long as your pregnancy isn't considered high-risk, doing some strength training is completely safe. A recent study conducted by the University of Georgia followed a group of pregnant women, between weeks 21 and 25, for 12 weeks as they weight-trained (with supervision) two days per week. No one was injured. However, it's important to note that you should stop lifting weights at the first sign of dizziness. Overexertion is not healthy for anyone!

Related: Prenatal fitness - 10 safe exercises to do during pregnancy

Ab exercises are out of the question

Ab exercises are out of the question

3. Ab exercises are out of the question
In an interview with Fit Pregnancy, prenatal fitness trainer Sara Haley said that doing crunches on your back is a no-no because "your growing uterus can compress the vena cava, the major vessel that returns blood to your heart, potentially reducing blood flow and making you feel dizzy and nauseated." But, she reassures, there are plenty of ways to work out your core by standing, kneeling, or using a stability ball. In fact, Haley performed the plank move until the day she gave birth (which she was very thankful for during those last two hours of labor).
Exercising can cause miscarriage

Exercising can cause miscarriage

4. Exercising can cause miscarriage
A Danish study of 92,000 women showed no increase in miscarriage from exercise performed after 18 weeks. Before 18 weeks, an increase in miscarriage was found only in women who intensely worked out more than 7 hours per week with high-impact activities. As long as your healthcare provider approves your exercise plans, you can rest assured that you'll actually be doing your body a favor rather than putting it at risk; prenatal exercise can actually reduce some symptoms of pregnancy, such as back pain and other discomforts.

So while experts still can't say for sure, it's best to stick to low-impact activities in the first 18 weeks, stay hydrated, and avoid excessive huffing and puffing. It's also a good idea to avoid exercising in the heat so that your core body temperature isn't raised too high.

Related: 8 tips for safe prenatal workouts

Don't work out more than 3 times a week

Don't work out more than 3 times a week

5. Don't work out more than 3 times a week

According to Lisa Druxman, a pre- and postnatal fitness expert and founder of Stroller Strides, "Following a doctor's approval, it's recommended that pregnant women engage in 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily, five or more times a week." (This includes everything from walking down the road to climbing stairs.) The ACOG agrees, recommending exercising and being active "at least 30 minutes on most, if not all, days of the week" to help physical ailments (constipation, backaches, swelling, etc.) and medical conditions (like gestational diabetes), and to help cope with labor and recovery. The ACOG also cites improved mood, energy, and sleeping as reasons to exercise.
Your heart rate shouldn't go over 140 beats per minute

Your heart rate shouldn't go over 140 beats per minute

6. Your heart rate shouldn't go over 140 beats per minute

Although this used to be a common recommendation from the ACOG and OBGYNs, women's heart rates vary too widely to stick to this rule. The ACOG now recommends that women use the "Borg Scale" (or the talk test) to determine physical exertion: during moderate activity, you should be able to talk (but not sing) through an activity. Learn more from the CDC guidelines on measuring physical activity intensity.

Related: Top 10 reasons why I got my tubes tied

Pregnant women should only do low-impact activities

Pregnant women should only do low-impact activities

7. Pregnant women should only do low-impact activities

Yes, pregnancy causes the hormone relaxin to loosen your ligaments to prepare for labor, but you don't need to limit yourself to water aerobics and the elliptical machine from the get-go. Of course there will probably come a time when jogging will feel uncomfortable, but according to fitness instructor Nicole Nichols for, you can easily modify most pre-pregnancy fitness routines throughout your pregnancy - even spin classes and Pilates - with advice from your instructor. Your body will also tell you its limits, so just pay attention to how you're feeling.

There are some exercises, however, that are off limits. The ACOG recommends avoiding high-risk activities, such as gymnastics, water skiing, and horseback riding, and contact sports, such as hockey, basketball, and soccer. They also recommend avoiding scuba diving because of decompression sickness, and downhill skiing because it shifts your center of gravity and puts you at risk of altitude sickness.

Bottom line: Talk to your doctor, stay hydrated, and always listen to your body. But above all else - start moving!

- By Michelle Horton

For 3 more debunked myths about prenatal exercise, visit Babble!

12 ways to sneak more workout time into your day
8 unexpected benefits of exercise
What you should NEVER say to a pregnant woman
10 things every woman should do before having kids
No harm, no foul: 10 "unsafe" things I did while pregnant

Stay connected. Follow Babble on Facebook and Twitter.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Tukul Ngawur...!

Click di sini terlebih dahulu untuk menampilkan video dengan kualitas yang lebih baik

Dulu saya penggemar acara ini (EmpatMata) tapi lama-lama sudah tidak menarik lagi dan ngawur.! Hostnya (Tukul) udah nggak lucu lagi lawakannya dan mulai ngawur. Mulai dari menjelek-jelekkan kelakuan istrinya, terus mengambil keuntungan dari para bintang tamu wanita seperti meraba-raba, mengelus-elus dan sejenisnya, juga melecehkan orang-orang yang "kurang" berada dalam segala hal. Dan parahnya hal ini dibiarkan oleh pihak stasiun TV/ Trans7... dan dianggak menguntungkan untuk menaikkan rating... sampai sekarang..! Masih banyak adegan-adegan serupa yang "melecehkan" wanita yang ditayangkan diacara ini.. dan KPI pun seakan pura-pura tidak tau atau ikut menikmati..? WTF.!, benar kata orang2 bijak bahwa kiamat bukan akan terjadi tetapi SUDAH dimulai... Astagfirullahhh.. ck ck ck..

Bila teman-teman suka klik tombol like disebelah ya

Would You Have a Baby Before Marriage?

Photo: Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic

Photo: Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic

Over the last few years, we've noticed a growing trend in Hollywood: Stars are getting pregnant before they get hitched. Jessica Alba, Nicole Richie, and Ashlee Simpson are just a few who went that route. And it seems to be gaining steam again-Jessica Simpson and Kristin Cavallari are currently engaged and preggers.

By Korin Miller

The whole "baby before marriage" thing looks like it worked out for most of these celebs, but they also have loads of disposable income to spend on nannies, diapers, etc., which, let's be honest: most regular people don't have.

Related: What Happens to Your Body After You Have A Baby

Naturally, we wondered what you thought about going this route, so we conducted an online poll. The verdict? A whopping 70 percent of you think you should get married before you have a baby. A lot of celebs have been engaged when they got pregnant or got engaged soon after, but 59 percent of you said having a diamond ring on your finger still isn't a good enough reason to have a baby before taking a trip down the aisle.

Related: 10 Things Women Do Better Than Men

The main reason: Most of you said you'd be worried the relationship wouldn't work out and you'd have to raise the little one on your own. And a few said you're just a more traditional girl at heart when it comes to starting a family.

Related: 7 Ways to Have A Great Orgasm

As for those of you who said you didn't need a wedding band before getting pregnant, the top reason was that you wouldn't want to rush into marriage if you weren't sure he was The One.

Read more at!

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New Year's Resolution: How Goes Your Diet?

By Kristin Fast, Lifestyle Editor and In-House Wit-Cracker


It's January 25, do you know where your resolution is?

Mine is happening right now as my little fingers fly (poke) over the keyboard of my hand-me-down laptop; Resolution 2012, more writing.

Only took 25 days to get crackin'.

Do you know that almost half of all Americans make a New Year's Resolution and by June, more than half of those folks are still sticking with it?

Astounding and Huzzah!

The magic seems to be to not make goals along the lines of: I will lose 25 pounds by February 1 or I will never drink again, but rather to approach the clean slate of a new calendar year with more open possibilities such as, I will move more over the next 12 months or, cocktails are a weekend treat… see the difference? The more rigid and extreme, the greater the chance for failure.

Which is why, on the last day of 2011, I decided to forgo my usual blather about trekking Machu Pichu and simply aim to do more of the one thing that I actually want to do more of: write.

I need to write because of what is happening Chez Fast. The oldest child is a freshman in high school, the middle child is in the 8th grade and the youngest is in 2nd but let's be honest, she is really more of a short adult than actual child so the bottom line is all of my wee babies are so not wee babies and I have been actively mourning the loss of their non-baby status for close to five months to the point where I have been banned from even looking at any pre-2010 photos because my maudlin state makes me weepy and then dinner is late…

And where I am going with this you ask? I am going straight into needing some documentation of my busy life which goes by much too quickly and I need to set things down so when I am an old woman I can look back and remember these precious, precious days before my kids had the nerve to grow up and get their own lives.

That is actually another little know trick of resolution success: mania.

I am asking you all for help. Help me stay focused. Once a month I will be here, Succulent-ing for your pleasure, but give me feedback and let me know what you want to hear about… for example, who among you needs tips when dealing with a first year high schooler with a senior girlfriend? I can help!

I would love to know how you are doing on your goals for 2012. Have you stuck with them or perhaps revised them? And more importantly, what motivated you and can we help you?

Read more:

Everyday Spirit - the Season of Love

By Jennifer Urezzio, Contributor - Spiritual Affairs

It was the day after Christmas. I stopped in the grocery store to pick up some necessities and was confronted with the Season of Love.

Giant pink and red hearts filled the aisle. I was surrounded by heart candies and heart cards and everything one would need to create the Season of Love. And yet, what is truly needed to create love in your life doesn't come in a box, bag or card. It comes from within.

Most relationships fail because we are looking to that individual to complete us, to fill an empty hole that was created by some wound or painful experience. If you are interested in creating a new season of love, a relationship that is based on a solid foundation and in any relationship you are yourself, well here are my suggestions.

Take Time To Feel Complete and Whole

Young girl on a grass

The truth is that you are complete and whole. The truth is that you are perfect just the way you are and in knowing and feeling this you won't try to change yourself or anyone while in a relationship. Here's my suggested exercise (and I will admit it is a tough one).

Look in the mirror each day and state out loud the following, while looking yourself in the eye.

  • I am whole and complete
  • I am perfect just the way I am
  • I am love
  • I am loved
  • I feel safe giving and receiving love

Notice how you feel during this exercise. Even if it is tough, keep conducting it once a day for 10 days. Then see how you feel on the eleventh day conducting it. I would venture to bet you feel more confident, more loving and more your true self.

How Do You Express Love

Often we are under the impression that our mates and family don't love us because we are expecting the expression of their love to look a certain way. Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages, has determined that there are five ways people express love (and see Audrey's review of the book here). They are: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch. Your love language might not be the same as your mates. To start communicating with your loved ones with their language of love, first determine your love language and then discover what languages your family and mate speak. You can learn more about Gary's book here. What you will become aware of is how much your family and friends do care and love you.

Trust and Be Vulnerable

How many times have you screamed at a movie screen and said, "Just tell her how you feel"? Most people don't express their feelings or their truth because they feel unsafe being vulnerable. Today is your opportunity to take a chance and trust yourself to pick the right person to be you with. An exercise I always do is this: Ask your body to place you in a feeling and expression of trust and feeling safe being vulnerable.

What you are doing in this exercise is creating a new pattern in your body and you will start attracting circumstances that reflect this feeling of trust and safety in your everyday world.

There just isn't one day to express your love or a season. It is up to you to create each moment of love within yourself.

Read more:

Weight Loss Tips

Being as personal trainer teaching people about nutrition and weight management through my training sessions and Wanted to share some basic weight loss tip with those who are struggling or finding their diet boring.
1. Break fast is Must. The most important meal of a day. Fast is broken that your body has been on for the last 6-9 hours during sleeping. Those who takes break fast have better weight management ability.

2 Drinking Water is best - Plenty of water! The First weak Drink 1-2 liters then after a weak drinks 2-3 liters a day...
3. Start Eating Regularly! Eat every 3 hours. This helps your body to fight off cravings, gives your body a smoother energy level throughout the day, will help you eat less at meal times and will keep your hunger at bay.
4. Eat 5 Times a day. Breakfast, small snack mid morning, Lunch, small snack mid afternoon, evening meal no later.
5. Exercise is Must! Eating healthily will make you lose weight but you will lose more and feel better by doing some exercise. It wills tight loose skin after weigh loss created
6. After Exercise get enough sleep! The body repairs and grows during sleep but also adapts to changes in eating habits too.
7. Please keep notice carbohydrates! In most culture the fat is considered the worst guy but you to keep watch carbohydrates. The energy is created by curb and if we eat too many crabs it gets turned into fat if we don't burn them off. The body slows down during the late afternoon and Please avoid eating tons of potatoes, pasta or pastry type rice, is not good.
8. Please maintain food diary. This will helps what to eat or not, means where are you now your weight, where has to go desired weight, how will get it , through diet exercise sleeping.
9. Stop calorie count? Please be motivated when you loose weight celebrate it ,when you feel hungry please drinks water as much you can means drinking water between your meals will help keep hunger under control.
10. Try to eat healthy foods available.
11. Try Yoga is most best exercise for weight loss

Benefits of Phentermine (Adipex) 37.5 mg:

Phentermine (Adipex) 37.5 mg is the best known weight suppressant drug which can keep your weight in check by suppressing the desire to eat more food. The reason for the diet suppressant in the body is due to the ingredient of Phentermine. This drug is best for short-term health management, but taking of this drug should be avoided for longer period weight reduction solutions. This pill is easily available in many online pharmacy and retail stores. Before buying from online pharmacy, the authenticity of the pharmacy should be checked thoroughly. It is very essential to find the trustworthiness and reliability of online store.

Phentermine (Adipex) acts as stimulation for nervous system and also known as anorectic. It stimulates the satiate centre of the brain, which in turn makes you feel less hungry and this way it suppresses your appetite which leads to consumption of controlled diet. This suppressant diet is ideal for weight control. This may be due to the boost of metabolism in the body which suppress the desire for excess food and create the sense of fullness in the mind of the person. To get the best result of Phentermine (Adipex) for weight control, you should simultaneously start exercising and taking controlled diet. This procedure, if followed seriously can get you the best result.

Phentermine 37.5 diet pills are not new to the market and are offering the needs of individuals from a reasonable time. All you have to do is to buy them from any of the health-related retail store as they are easily available in the market. You can even utilize online stores for buying them as there are numerous internet websites which in turn provide you these types of service. Phentermine 37.5 medication is generally available in the market in several various arrangements or doses.

You can find 15 milligrams and 30 mg tablets in the market and will additionally discover phentermine 37.5 mg tablets. Individuals generally choose phentermine 37.5 mg tablets as more quantity of Phentermine (Adipex) medication can help within dropping more weight in less time. But the result of fat reduction basically depends on how you intake it and in what amount. They are usually obtained simply right after talking to a physician in order to get preferred outcomes. You can also consider support of several publications that specify concerning their utilization or can go online for getting more knowledge about these. Undertaking some easy routines along with the use of phentermine weight control tablets could definitely help you in getting more precised outcomes.

Therefore start using phentermine 37.5 mg tablets now and get a perfect entire body.

Phentermine helps control your appetite, and boosts your metabolism. Side effects are numerous. The most serious include nausea, chronic constipation, elevated bloodpressure, insomnia, and addiction. Make no mistake, Phentermine is an amphetamine. It's a tightly controlled substance for a reason, and should ONLY be used under a Doctor's supervision.

With that said, yes, it will help you lose weight. Early on the nausea helps you learn when to stop eating (ie. portion control). The boost in metabolism keeps you burning calories even though your body wants to slow things down because it's taking in less calories (the dreaded starvation mode). With normal diet and exercise, most people lose a pound or two a week. Using the Phentermine can boost it to 3 to 5 pounds a week.

Now, Phentermine is not a magic bullet! Eating a low fat, high fiber, balanced diet is essential. So is exercising, 3 to 5 times a week. You can still pork out and not lose weight, even while taking the drug. If you stop losing weight, your doctor is quite likely to stop writing prescriptions for it. BTW- You can only get a 30 day supply of Phentermine at a time with no refills. So you have to keep going back to your doctor (remember, controlled substance!).

Concerning all the ads for Phentermine that you see (saw) in the article. If you have a AAA membership, you can get a 30 day supply of genuine 37.5mg Phentermine from your local pharmacy for less than $20.

One last comment, if you want to lose weight AND KEEP IT OFF, you have to make a life style change. Once most people reach their weight goal, they go off their diet, stop exercising, and gain all the weight back and more. It has to be a permanent change to your eating and exercising habits or all your effort will go to waste. The voice of experience is speaking!

You'd be surprised just how many people in the world have the same story to tell when it comes to losing weight. From all the promising and widely advertised diet programs that lure you into spending your hard earned money to the very latest weight loss supplements, health drinks, and herbal pills, you still end up losing not a single pound. These are some of the countless losing weight testimonials that could be frustrating at times.
Obesity is indeed an uphill task. It's a condition we have created ourselves with our bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyles. The ache and pain we suffer because of the extra pounds is becoming a huge problem in today's world. Losing weight is always easier said than done and most of us need a little extra help along the way.
That's why we need the magic boost of Phentermine in order to achieve our weight loss goal. Incorporating phentermine into your weight loss program, along with healthy diet and ample exercise can cause a great deal of weight loss in the initial week of intake. An appetite suppressant pill that has been available in the market for almost five decades, phentermine has been successful in helping obese patient cope up with obesity problems and achieve their ideal weight.
Phentermine is Considered an Effective Weight Loss Tool
Most of us rely on dieting in order to lose weight. But more often than not dieting can further worsen your weight problem. It may work initially and help you lose a few pounds. But when you switched back to your regular diet, the weight just all came back. Losing weight through dieting is really a tough path as obese patients finds it hard to control their urges and cravings for binge eating.

Treat Your Overweight Problem With Phentermine

The obesity is the disease that takes place due to the extra fat in ones body and the excess fat is mostly found in the lower waist and hips of a person. Obesity is dangerous and life taking disease. You can treat your overweight problem with phentermine.

The overweight comes from the junk food we eat. The more amounts of calories are taken in and they result in obesity. If you have obesity then due to that you may suffer from many more diseases which are harmful and deadly.

The individual must have sufficient information and details on phentermine before taking it. It is a type of anorectic drug used to reduce weight quickly. It would help you to reduce your appetite or hunger by directing the flow of signals from neuro transmitter of the brain to nervous system.

If the appetite is in control then there is no question of increase in weight. The phentermine is given only at the times when it is most needed. Since these pills can be taken only for limited time period and as your doctors and physiotherapists prescribe.

The BMI is otherwise known as body mass index and when your BMI reaches 27 or above phentermine is provided. If your BMI is high then it is not a good sign. This would lead to diseases of cardio metabolism also.

The best way to buy cheap phentermine medicine is to go to the pharmacies nearby your house. Visit various pharmacies to get better rates and offers. Compare the price and then buy the phentermine pill which also provides free prescription.

Before buying the phentermine pills make sure that you have consulted your physiotherapists and doctors. Why go for a physiotherapist? It is required because after you take phentermine you would be required to carry out functional exercises and follow an effective diet.

The physiotherapists would examine your health status and provide you the appropriate dose of phentermine. It is usually 37.5 mg but it is not recommended for pregnant women.

Best Weight Loss Pills

Benefits of Phentermine 37.5 mg:

Being overweight or obese is one the most significant problems of this modern globe that is uncomfortable a large number of individuals. You must be well aware of the fact that a large number of people are suffering from over weight or exceedingly overweight.

Phentermine 37.5 diet pills are not new to the market and are offering the needs of individuals from a reasonable time. All you have to do is to buy them from any of the health-related retail store as they are easily available in the market. You can even utilize online stores for buying them as there are numerous internet websites which in turn provide you these types of service. Phentermine 37.5 medication is generally available in the market in several various arrangements or doses.

You can find 15 milligrams and 30 mg tablets in the market and will additionally discover Phentermine 37.5 mg tablets. Individuals generally choose Phentermine 37.5 mg tablets as more quantity of Phentermine medication can help within dropping more weight in less time. But the result of fat reduction basically depends on how you intake it and in what amount. They are usually obtained simply right after talking to a physician in order to get preferred outcomes.

Therefore start using Phentermine 37.5 mg tablets now and get a perfect entire body.

Weight Loss the French Secret You Should Know

Want to know what the French secret is to weight loss? Then read this article to find out.
Yogurt is big business. That yogurt is both nutritious, and beginning to be appreciated as one of the solutions to the current US obesity crisis account for great deal of its marketability.
If you spend any time looking at the contents of the refrigerated dairy cases in your grocery store, you know that yogurt has now supplanted cottage cheese as the dieter's dairy snack. Fat-free; sugar-free; low-fat; full fat; fruit-sweetened; unsweetened; with additives ranging from extra cultures to chocolate, yogurt can be eaten, drunk, or frozen on a stick and licked like a popsicle.

And now, this food has been shown in studies to help with fat loss, when combined with a calorie reduced diet. Studies at the University of Tennessee have shown that three servings of yogurt a daycan help you to lose 22% more weight, 60% more body fat, than a restricted-calorie diet . In addition, 80% more abdominal fat was lost in the group with yogurt.
You can add yogurt to your morning cereal; pour it over a bowl of fresh fruit; throw it in the blender, add whatever you want, and make a smoothie; or simply spoon it from its store container and eat it like pudding.
What you may not know is that eating three 6 ounce (the standard single size container) servings of yogurt per day will provide you with about 1100 milligrams of dietary calcium. It will also give you high quality protein without loading up the calorie count. French women have long known that adding one or two servings of yogurt each day to their diets helps them keep their famously slim French profiles.
As admirable as having a slim profile may be, if you are female, and especially if you are a Baby Boomer, you are probably thinking more and more about getting dietary calcium. You know that osteoporosis is a real risk for postmenopausal women. The same calcium found in yogurt which helps your bones stay strong as been clinically shown to promote weight loss, reduce body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass, and most importantly, eliminate abdominal fat.
Abdominal fat has been linked to a number of serious conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. When three 6-ounce servings of low-fat yogurt are included in a calorie-reduced diet, abdominal fat loss is shown to increase an average of 81% over the amount lost with a calorie-restricted diet alone.
How can you add yogurt to your weight loss diet?
Begin your day with a trio of super foods: prepare a half a cup of oatmeal (rolled oats, not instant), add a half a cup of wild blueberries, and mix in six ounces a cup of low-fat yogurt.
If you brown bag it to school or work, toss in a carton of yogurt along with your sandwich. Look for low-fat frozen yogurt instead of ice. Substitute plain yogurt for sour cream on your potato or in your vegetable dips.
Make yogurt cheese (simply pour plain yogurt into cheesecloth and let it drain into a bowl over night). Yogurt cheese, like tofu, picks up the flavor of anything you mix it with. So mix it with peanut butter, mayonnaise, or even ice cream and cut your fat and calories while getting all the nutritional and weight-loss benefits of yogurt!
Even if you use a sweet flavored yogurt like lemon or vanilla to make yogurt cheese, you will keep the sweet flavor but have a much richer texture. There is really no reason why yogurt cannot play a leading role in your weight loss diet!

Benefits of Phentermine (Adipex) 37.5 mg:

Phentermine (Adipex) 37.5 mg is the best known weight suppressant drug which can keep your weight in check by suppressing the desire to eat more food. The reason for the diet suppressant in the body is due to the ingredient of Phentermine. This drug is best for short-term health management, but taking of this drug should be avoided for longer period weight reduction solutions. This pill is easily available in many online pharmacy and retail stores. Before buying from online pharmacy, the authenticity of the pharmacy should be checked thoroughly. It is very essential to find the trustworthiness and reliability of online store.

Phentermine (Adipex) acts as stimulation for nervous system and also known as anorectic. It stimulates the satiate centre of the brain, which in turn makes you feel less hungry and this way it suppresses your appetite which leads to consumption of controlled diet. This suppressant diet is ideal for weight control. This may be due to the boost of metabolism in the body which suppress the desire for excess food and create the sense of fullness in the mind of the person. To get the best result of Phentermine (Adipex) for weight control, you should simultaneously start exercising and taking controlled diet. This procedure, if followed seriously can get you the best result.

Phentermine 37.5 diet pills are not new to the market and are offering the needs of individuals from a reasonable time. All you have to do is to buy them from any of the health-related retail store as they are easily available in the market. You can even utilize online stores for buying them as there are numerous internet websites which in turn provide you these types of service. Phentermine 37.5 medication is generally available in the market in several various arrangements or doses.

You can find 15 milligrams and 30 mg tablets in the market and will additionally discover phentermine 37.5 mg tablets. Individuals generally choose phentermine 37.5 mg tablets as more quantity of Phentermine (Adipex) medication can help within dropping more weight in less time. But the result of fat reduction basically depends on how you intake it and in what amount. They are usually obtained simply right after talking to a physician in order to get preferred outcomes. You can also consider support of several publications that specify concerning their utilization or can go online for getting more knowledge about these. Undertaking some easy routines along with the use of phentermine weight control tablets could definitely help you in getting more precised outcomes.

Therefore start using phentermine 37.5 mg tablets now and get a perfect entire body.

Phentermine helps control your appetite, and boosts your metabolism. Side effects are numerous. The most serious include nausea, chronic constipation, elevated bloodpressure, insomnia, and addiction. Make no mistake, Phentermine is an amphetamine. It's a tightly controlled substance for a reason, and should ONLY be used under a Doctor's supervision.

With that said, yes, it will help you lose weight. Early on the nausea helps you learn when to stop eating (ie. portion control). The boost in metabolism keeps you burning calories even though your body wants to slow things down because it's taking in less calories (the dreaded starvation mode). With normal diet and exercise, most people lose a pound or two a week. Using the Phentermine can boost it to 3 to 5 pounds a week.

Now, Phentermine is not a magic bullet! Eating a low fat, high fiber, balanced diet is essential. So is exercising, 3 to 5 times a week. You can still pork out and not lose weight, even while taking the drug. If you stop losing weight, your doctor is quite likely to stop writing prescriptions for it. BTW- You can only get a 30 day supply of Phentermine at a time with no refills. So you have to keep going back to your doctor (remember, controlled substance!).

Concerning all the ads for Phentermine that you see (saw) in the article. If you have a AAA membership, you can get a 30 day supply of genuine 37.5mg Phentermine from your local pharmacy for less than $20.

One last comment, if you want to lose weight AND KEEP IT OFF, you have to make a life style change. Once most people reach their weight goal, they go off their diet, stop exercising, and gain all the weight back and more. It has to be a permanent change to your eating and exercising habits or all your effort will go to waste. The voice of experience is speaking!

You'd be surprised just how many people in the world have the same story to tell when it comes to losing weight. From all the promising and widely advertised diet programs that lure you into spending your hard earned money to the very latest weight loss supplements, health drinks, and herbal pills, you still end up losing not a single pound. These are some of the countless losing weight testimonials that could be frustrating at times.
Obesity is indeed an uphill task. It's a condition we have created ourselves with our bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyles. The ache and pain we suffer because of the extra pounds is becoming a huge problem in today's world. Losing weight is always easier said than done and most of us need a little extra help along the way.
That's why we need the magic boost of Phentermine in order to achieve our weight loss goal. Incorporating phentermine into your weight loss program, along with healthy diet and ample exercise can cause a great deal of weight loss in the initial week of intake. An appetite suppressant pill that has been available in the market for almost five decades, phentermine has been successful in helping obese patient cope up with obesity problems and achieve their ideal weight.
Phentermine is Considered an Effective Weight Loss Tool
Most of us rely on dieting in order to lose weight. But more often than not dieting can further worsen your weight problem. It may work initially and help you lose a few pounds. But when you switched back to your regular diet, the weight just all came back. Losing weight through dieting is really a tough path as obese patients finds it hard to control their urges and cravings for binge eating.

2012: The Age of Gregarious

This year let's try something new-the "Age of Gregarious." Surround yourself with worthwhile people; you are the age you act, and you can act any age you want! If you were looking for permission, there it is! Now, not saying you should go out and buy some coveralls and start braiding your hair again with a soggy stuffed animal in hand, but if you're going to focus on any one resolution, resolve to value yourself, not a number.

Related: Fortytude Author Sarah Brokaw - Embrace the Aging Process

How to kick off your very own, sumo-free "Age of Gregarious:"

1. Change up the routine! Life feeling a little "Leave it to Beaver"? Invite a little change. Routines are comfortable, we know they work, and they make things easy, but most of all they become BORING! If you normally have chicken for dinner, try steak. A candle centerpiece? Try flowers. Normally run? "Bar Method" is a great way to tone up. The little movements focus on muscles you didn't even realize you had. Yoga is another terrific, healthy excuse to reserve an hour for yourself. You can relax, stretch, breathe, and it can even help with your menopause symptoms! Here are some more exercises you can do for a little relief.

Related: Advice From Film Director Heidi Houston - Be Aware of Menopause Symptoms

2. Have a healthy outlook on a healthy diet. Sure, everyone wants to lose a little weight in the new year. With the onset of menopause, the metabolism-appetite ratio seems to be inversely proportional. Fish oil is good for your heart , and women often take it to help with painful periods, breast pain, and high blood pressure. You've heard this so many times before-drink lots of water (I know, it's so easy yet so hard). For a super refreshing enhancement, add slices of cucumber and escape to your mental spa for a while. If you'd like to take your sweet tooth to the spa too, a delicious alternative to apple pie with ice cream-deliciously low-fat, too-is frozen chocolate coconut water. Stick it in the freezer for a couple of hours, remove it when your craving comes, cut open the box, and enjoy it in a bowl, knowing you're keeping your figure. And please, don't beat yourself up if you're craving a peanut butter cup. If the desire won't subside, just have one, satisfy the craving, and be OK with it!

3. Rejuvenate your mind. The mundane routine can find a comfortable spot in your brain, too. Kick it out along with your sumo wrestler-they're not paying rent! Teach yourself something new. Learn a new language, learn how to play the piano, read up on Spain and leave the door open for a possible trip in the future. Reserve an hour a day for journaling. Experiment with a new recipe. Fill out a crossword, try a Sudoku puzzle, or take an art class! Think positive and reform the way you think. When you get ready for bed or start counting sheep, ask yourself, "What was the best thing that happened today?" Doing this daily can help you focus on the positive, and when you look for positivity-you can find it! Let the sun shine!

Age used to be a number. Make it an idea this year. Let 2012 mark the dawning of the "Age of Gregarious," when you start patting yourself on the back, find the help you need in your life, stop the self-criticism, and be the age you want to be! Surround yourself with the people you like to be around and enjoy your life! You are unique and wonderful in so many ways.


"E" is the pen name of Ellen Sarver Dolgen, author of Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness - a cut-to-the-chase book on perimenopause and menopause, filled with crucial information and hilarious and heartfelt stories. It condenses a confusing, daunting medical topic into an easy-to-understand, purse-sized guide which can be used as a reference throughout your PM&M experience. Reading Shmirshky is like getting a big, comforting hug from a dear friend, who happens to know a lot about menopause!

Click here for more from author and hormone expert "E"

Slow Cooker 101: Tips, How To's, and Recipes

By Kristin Sidorov
It's big, bulky, and a little bit scary (after all, isn't leaving a hot appliance on all day a fire hazard?), but trust us, your slow cooker can and will be your new best friend this winter. These miraculous machines have come a long way since your grandma's crock-pot days, and are an easy, fail-proof way to make thousands of amazing and healthy recipes, from classic pulled pork to perfect, fluffy banana bread.

Your slow cooker is designed to do pretty much all of the work for you, so don't overthink things. It knows how hot to get, how to keep things safe, and, these days, how long to cook and how to turn itself off. Just be sure to keep these basic tips and how-to's in mind before you get started:

  1. Give your slow cooker enough counter space to do its job of getting hot correctly-a few inches on all sides should do.
  2. Your slow cooker should be between half and two-thirds full for best results.
  3. Know your temperatures. You need to reach 165 degrees F for safe slow cooking. As a rule, "low" setting for most slow cookers is 200 degrees F, and "high" is around 300 degrees F. Most meats need to reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees to be safely done. (For more information see the USDA's safe slow cooker tips.) Some recommend always starting with your slow cooker on "high" for the first hour and then turning it back to "low" to ensure safe temperatures, but this isn't required. Use your judgment for where you feel comfortable.
  4. Don't peek! The lid is an essential part, and should be kept on as much as possible. Trust us: Everything's working exactly as it should be in there. Most recipes don't need to be stirred, poked, or prodded. Just let it be.

Easy and virtually fail-proof, recipes for slow cookers are usually pretty minimal. Prep work is the main part of your job-chop some veggies here, measure some spices there, dump it in, set it, and you're done. Again, not overthinking things is important, but if you're just too anxious to play around with some of your favorite recipes or are looking to try something new, here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  1. Browning meats and sauteing veggies before adding them to your slow cooker can help bring out flavors and deepen the dish. Be careful not to overcook them; just a quick turn of the pan is enough. You can also dredge ingredients in flour to give your sauce or stew a bit more thickness and texture.
  2. Because fat retains heat, fattier foods (like meat) will cook faster than less fatty foods (like veggies). You'll want to trim any excess fats from meats, and place any veggies that the recipe calls for on the bottom and sides of the dish before placing meat on top. This will help everything cook evenly.
  3. Making a favorite recipe slow cooker-friendly requires a few adaptations. Remember that dairy products will break down, so add them at the end of the cooking process. Liquids won't evaporate, so you should reduce the amount you add by about 20 percent. And cut back on fresh herbs: Half the amount should yield the same, rich flavor.

While slow cookers are famous for creating hearty dishes like pulled pork and stews, they're also surprisingly versatile and can make almost anything taste great, from homemade stocks to desserts. Give these easy recipes a whirl and you'll soon learn why your slow cooker can be a lifesaver:
-Apple Cinnamon Slow Cooker Steel-Cut Oatmeal (Sweet Anna's)
-Slow-Cooked Turkey Chili (Global Dish)
-Amazing Slow Cooker Chicken Stock (The Kitchn)
-Slow Cooker Vegetarian Lasagna (Fit Sugar)
-Slow Cooker Nutella Bread Pudding (The Perfect Pantry)

Tell Us: How do you use your slow cooker? What are your favorite slow cooker recipes?

Related Links:

Buy Moosewood Restaurant Cooking for Health
Cooking with Curry: Warming Recipes for Winter
17 Day Diet Recipe: 17 Day Slimming Soup
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Best Breakfasts on the Menu

When it comes to New Year's Resolutions, losing weight and just generally getting healthier tends to be at the top of everyone's list.

Whether you want to lose 40 pounds or 5, it always comes back to the same principle: balancing calories in with calories out (aka exercise/activity).

The first step is to amp up your calories out with little exercise additions throughout the day or week, adding a few steps here or there adds up.

The calories-in tends to be a little bit more difficult, not to consume but to get rid of.

Every little bite can add up and without becoming a calorie-counting junkie, it can get a bit confusing as to what you should perhaps forgo (the additional margarita), and what you should add (healthy fats and proteins).

Well, we've decided to give you a hand.

Now that you know that breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day, helping rev up your metabolism and boost your energy all day long, you need to know how to keep the calories in check...and how to enjoy your fist dish of the day!

Here are our 4 favorite breakfasts- all 350 calories or less and delish!

Egg white Breakfast Burrito- Kick your breakfast up a notch with an egg white burrito. To make a breakfast for two, combine ½ cup egg substitute with 1 tablespoon of milk. Cook in a skillet coated with cooking spray. Crumble 2 tablespoons of Sharp cheddar cheese down the center of a whole wheat tortilla (look for one that has 150 calories or less), top with scrambled eggs, diced tomatoes, and a tablespoon of salsa. Enjoy!

Yogurt Parfait- Take one 6-oz container of non-fat Greek Yogurt and top it with ½ cup of fresh fruit. Drizzle with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon chopped almonds.

Oatmeal with Almonds and Cinnamon Combine 2 cups nonfat milk with 2 cups regular oats in a medium size saucepan. Bring to a boil. Add ½ tsp. vanilla and ¼ cup raisins. Cover and reduce heat, simmering for 5 minutes or until oats are soft. Top with slivered almonds and a sprinkling of cinnamon.
*Other additions- Honey and Dried Apricots, Fresh Apples (Diced) and Walnuts, Creamy Peanut Butter (one tablespoon) and Honey.

Banana Walnut Muffins- (from Food to Live By by Myra Goodman) These muffins are delicious and moist. Top with a tablespoon of almond butter for an additional dose of protein.

Makes 12

2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1 ½ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. ground ginger
¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
2 large eggs
½ cup maple syrup
½ cup light brown sugar
1/3 cup low-fat milk
¼ cup canola oil
¼ tsp. vanilla extract
1 ½ cups mashed ripe banana
¾ cup chopped walnuts

Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 375˚F. Spray muffin cups with nonfat cooking spray. Place flour through cinnamon in a large bowl and whisk. Place eggs through vanilla in a medium-size bowl and whisk. Add the bananas to the bowl and stir to combine. Add the banana mixture to the flour mixture and stir with a rubber spatula until just combined. Fold in the walnuts. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin tin and bake until golden brown, 20-30 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes on a wire rack.

For more tips and articles like these, visit

Score a Healthy Touchdown with These Super Bowl Snacks



Source: Score a Healthy Touchdown With These Super Bowl Snacks

In my house, Super Bowl Sunday equals Super Bowl snack time. Savory items like chips, dips, wings, and pizza are standard, but I also offer up healthy, lighter fare.

Intercept empty calories, sugar, and fat by making these better-for-you alternatives to the classics. With tasty food like this, you won't even miss the guacamole, ranch dip, or pizza!

  • Kale Chips: Light, crispy, and delicious, kale chips are loaded with vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium. They also won't last long, so make sure you make a bunch at your Super Bowl gathering.
  • Whole Wheat Pizza: Don't deprive yourself of pizza on Super Bowl Sunday, make our whole wheat pizza dough and cover it with healthy toppings.
  • Mango Red Pepper Salsa: Salsa is always a great alternative to fattening dips because it's low in fat and full of fresh veggies. Enjoy this mango red pepper salsa with crackers, corn chips, or pita bread.
  • Nonfat Yogurt Dill Dip With Veggies: Replace ranch dip with this creamy yogurt dip - it's made from nonfat Greek yogurt, which means it's tangy and full of protein. Add a little cayenne for an extra kick.
  • Tofu Chili With Black Beans: A big pot of chili is a must for game day. Tofu chili with black beans has spicy and smokey flavors, but the absence of meat makes it low in fat and calories and high in protein

More from FitSugar: 5 Tips Away From a Healthy Snack

  • Fruit Kebabs: You'll be shocked at how fast fruit kebabs disappear when put out on the table. Make them even more special by adding a maple cinnamon dip to the mix.
  • Eggplant Stacks: If you need a more substantial snack, try making these eggplant stacks. The heartiness of the eggplant makes it a great meat replacement, and the fresh basil and mozzarella add flavors that take center stage.
  • Mango Shrimp Skewers: Food on a stick is always a smart choice for get-togethers. Hands stay clean and the dish is easier to serve. Mango shrimp skewers are quick and easy to cook up and will keep guests coming back for more.
  • Hummus: Classic hummus is a great snack to have around because it complements almost everything - veggies, bread, crackers, or pita. It's also super easy to make.
  • Pizza Quinoa Polenta: Everybody loves pizza! These quinoa polenta bites put a healthy spin on the classic but still have a satisfying gooeyness.

More from FitSugar: 3 Foods Proven to Help You Work Out

  • Spicy Garbanzo Beans: We love this recipe for spicy garbanzo beans - satisfying like a bag of chips but without all the added oil. Crunchy, spicy, and full of protein.
  • Crab Stuffed Crimini Mushrooms: Crab stuffed crimini mushrooms are cheesy goodness on a plate that are packed with protein and big flavor.
  • Homemade Trail Mix: Satisfy salty-sweet cravings, save money, and get creative by making your own trail mix. Make a few different combos for the big day to keep guests energized.
  • Edamole: Even though guacamole is made with healthy fat, you can have too much of a good thing. Swap out avocados for edamame, and you've got yourself some nutritious edamole! This chip dip is full of protein, low in fat, and most importantly, tastes good.

Related Content:
15 Salty Snacks Under 150 Calories
No Bread Needed: 10 Low-Carb Snack Ideas
Winter Warm-Up: Black and White Bean Soup With Sweet Potatoes

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3 Good and 3 Bad Weight Loss Tips

When it comes to losing weight it seems everyone claims to have the best tips for losing weight and often beg you to try them. Unfortunately most of these weight loss tips are nothing more then worthless advice that can do more harm then good. Below you will find three tips that work and are recommended and three tips that are bad advice and can actually hurt you and slow your progress!

Three Bad Weight loss Tips
1. Use laxatives
This is a dangerous way to drop weight. Although you do drop ponds fast from your frame it is all water weight and will come back quickly. You can also dehydrate yourself if you are not careful and there are serious medical problems that can develop from dehydration.
2. Starve Yourself
Just because less food means less weight you should not take it to the extreme and try to starve yourself thin. While you may have a drop in weight within the first few days your metabolism will slow down to compensate for less calories. This means that once you start eating again you will gain the weight back quickly.
3. Avoid All Carbs
This commonly given tip is actually a dangerous one. Your body needs carbohydrates to function properly. The new fad of low carb diets works just like starving yourself does, by depraving your body of something it needs!
Three Good Weight Loss Tips
1. Eat Right
Nothing is more important and will help you get to your goal weight faster then changing your diet. By eliminating excess sugars and fats and replacing those foods with lean meat, fruits and vegetables you will find it easier to drop the pounds.
2. Workout
Go to the gym and workout strenuously 3-4 times a week. Alternate what you do and what equipment you use to do it. A good routine usually alternates cardiovascular workouts with strength training workouts. This will help you develop your lean muscle mass and burn off excess fat.
3. Develop a Plan And Stick To It
You can not go head first into losing weight without a plan to follow and guide you. You can either sit down and develop your diet and exercise plan from scratch. Or you can buy a proven system or plan that will guide you along your journey. Whatever choice yo make you have to stick to the plan in order to see success.

Benefits of Phentermine (Adipex) 37.5 mg:

Phentermine (Adipex) 37.5 mg is the best known weight suppressant drug which can keep your weight in check by suppressing the desire to eat more food. The reason for the diet suppressant in the body is due to the ingredient of Phentermine. This drug is best for short-term health management, but taking of this drug should be avoided for longer period weight reduction solutions. This pill is easily available in many online pharmacy and retail stores. Before buying from online pharmacy, the authenticity of the pharmacy should be checked thoroughly. It is very essential to find the trustworthiness and reliability of online store.

Phentermine (Adipex) acts as stimulation for nervous system and also known as anorectic. It stimulates the satiate centre of the brain, which in turn makes you feel less hungry and this way it suppresses your appetite which leads to consumption of controlled diet. This suppressant diet is ideal for weight control. This may be due to the boost of metabolism in the body which suppress the desire for excess food and create the sense of fullness in the mind of the person. To get the best result of Phentermine (Adipex) for weight control, you should simultaneously start exercising and taking controlled diet. This procedure, if followed seriously can get you the best result.

Phentermine 37.5 diet pills are not new to the market and are offering the needs of individuals from a reasonable time. All you have to do is to buy them from any of the health-related retail store as they are easily available in the market. You can even utilize online stores for buying them as there are numerous internet websites which in turn provide you these types of service. Phentermine 37.5 medication is generally available in the market in several various arrangements or doses.

You can find 15 milligrams and 30 mg tablets in the market and will additionally discover phentermine 37.5 mg tablets. Individuals generally choose phentermine 37.5 mg tablets as more quantity of Phentermine (Adipex) medication can help within dropping more weight in less time. But the result of fat reduction basically depends on how you intake it and in what amount. They are usually obtained simply right after talking to a physician in order to get preferred outcomes. You can also consider support of several publications that specify concerning their utilization or can go online for getting more knowledge about these. Undertaking some easy routines along with the use of phentermine weight control tablets could definitely help you in getting more precised outcomes.

Therefore start using phentermine 37.5 mg tablets now and get a perfect entire body.

Phentermine helps control your appetite, and boosts your metabolism. Side effects are numerous. The most serious include nausea, chronic constipation, elevated bloodpressure, insomnia, and addiction. Make no mistake, Phentermine is an amphetamine. It's a tightly controlled substance for a reason, and should ONLY be used under a Doctor's supervision.

With that said, yes, it will help you lose weight. Early on the nausea helps you learn when to stop eating (ie. portion control). The boost in metabolism keeps you burning calories even though your body wants to slow things down because it's taking in less calories (the dreaded starvation mode). With normal diet and exercise, most people lose a pound or two a week. Using the Phentermine can boost it to 3 to 5 pounds a week.

Now, Phentermine is not a magic bullet! Eating a low fat, high fiber, balanced diet is essential. So is exercising, 3 to 5 times a week. You can still pork out and not lose weight, even while taking the drug. If you stop losing weight, your doctor is quite likely to stop writing prescriptions for it. BTW- You can only get a 30 day supply of Phentermine at a time with no refills. So you have to keep going back to your doctor (remember, controlled substance!).

Concerning all the ads for Phentermine that you see (saw) in the article. If you have a AAA membership, you can get a 30 day supply of genuine 37.5mg Phentermine from your local pharmacy for less than $20.

One last comment, if you want to lose weight AND KEEP IT OFF, you have to make a life style change. Once most people reach their weight goal, they go off their diet, stop exercising, and gain all the weight back and more. It has to be a permanent change to your eating and exercising habits or all your effort will go to waste. The voice of experience is speaking!

You'd be surprised just how many people in the world have the same story to tell when it comes to losing weight. From all the promising and widely advertised diet programs that lure you into spending your hard earned money to the very latest weight loss supplements, health drinks, and herbal pills, you still end up losing not a single pound. These are some of the countless losing weight testimonials that could be frustrating at times.
Obesity is indeed an uphill task. It's a condition we have created ourselves with our bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyles. The ache and pain we suffer because of the extra pounds is becoming a huge problem in today's world. Losing weight is always easier said than done and most of us need a little extra help along the way.
That's why we need the magic boost of Phentermine in order to achieve our weight loss goal. Incorporating phentermine into your weight loss program, along with healthy diet and ample exercise can cause a great deal of weight loss in the initial week of intake. An appetite suppressant pill that has been available in the market for almost five decades, phentermine has been successful in helping obese patient cope up with obesity problems and achieve their ideal weight.
Phentermine is Considered an Effective Weight Loss Tool
Most of us rely on dieting in order to lose weight. But more often than not dieting can further worsen your weight problem. It may work initially and help you lose a few pounds. But when you switched back to your regular diet, the weight just all came back. Losing weight through dieting is really a tough path as obese patients finds it hard to control their urges and cravings for binge eating.

Treat Your Overweight Problem With Phentermine

The obesity is the disease that takes place due to the extra fat in ones body and the excess fat is mostly found in the lower waist and hips of a person. Obesity is dangerous and life taking disease. You can treat your overweight problem with phentermine.

The overweight comes from the junk food we eat. The more amounts of calories are taken in and they result in obesity. If you have obesity then due to that you may suffer from many more diseases which are harmful and deadly.

The individual must have sufficient information and details on phentermine before taking it. It is a type of anorectic drug used to reduce weight quickly. It would help you to reduce your appetite or hunger by directing the flow of signals from neuro transmitter of the brain to nervous system.

If the appetite is in control then there is no question of increase in weight. The phentermine is given only at the times when it is most needed. Since these pills can be taken only for limited time period and as your doctors and physiotherapists prescribe.

The BMI is otherwise known as body mass index and when your BMI reaches 27 or above phentermine is provided. If your BMI is high then it is not a good sign. This would lead to diseases of cardio metabolism also.

The best way to buy cheap phentermine medicine is to go to the pharmacies nearby your house. Visit various pharmacies to get better rates and offers. Compare the price and then buy the phentermine pill which also provides free prescription.

Before buying the phentermine pills make sure that you have consulted your physiotherapists and doctors. Why go for a physiotherapist? It is required because after you take phentermine you would be required to carry out functional exercises and follow an effective diet.

The physiotherapists would examine your health status and provide you the appropriate dose of phentermine. It is usually 37.5 mg but it is not recommended for pregnant women.

Best Weight Loss Pills

Benefits of Phentermine 37.5 mg:

Being overweight or obese is one the most significant problems of this modern globe that is uncomfortable a large number of individuals. You must be well aware of the fact that a large number of people are suffering from over weight or exceedingly overweight.

Phentermine 37.5 diet pills are not new to the market and are offering the needs of individuals from a reasonable time. All you have to do is to buy them from any of the health-related retail store as they are easily available in the market. You can even utilize online stores for buying them as there are numerous internet websites which in turn provide you these types of service. Phentermine 37.5 medication is generally available in the market in several various arrangements or doses.

You can find 15 milligrams and 30 mg tablets in the market and will additionally discover Phentermine 37.5 mg tablets. Individuals generally choose Phentermine 37.5 mg tablets as more quantity of Phentermine medication can help within dropping more weight in less time. But the result of fat reduction basically depends on how you intake it and in what amount. They are usually obtained simply right after talking to a physician in order to get preferred outcomes.

Therefore start using Phentermine 37.5 mg tablets now and get a perfect entire body.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

The Truth Is

Today is a crappy day. I am in the throes of depression or maybe anxiety; not sure which one because at times they are close! I thought it just might be me but reading Facebook I see many people on my friends list are in the same place. I thought about the significance of this and decided it really wouldn't matter where or who I was with at this time I would still be in this funk! The truth is that sometimes we just fall into a funk and it wouldn't matter what was happening around us good or bad we would still be in that funk! So...I baked a chocolate cake and about to frost it, make a pot of coffee using the beans from Costa Rica and partake of this until I am in some sort of chocolate high!

Weight Loss the French Secret You Should Know

Want to know what the French secret is to weight loss? Then read this article to find out.
Yogurt is big business. That yogurt is both nutritious, and beginning to be appreciated as one of the solutions to the current US obesity crisis account for great deal of its marketability.
If you spend any time looking at the contents of the refrigerated dairy cases in your grocery store, you know that yogurt has now supplanted cottage cheese as the dieter's dairy snack. Fat-free; sugar-free; low-fat; full fat; fruit-sweetened; unsweetened; with additives ranging from extra cultures to chocolate, yogurt can be eaten, drunk, or frozen on a stick and licked like a popsicle.

And now, this food has been shown in studies to help with fat loss, when combined with a calorie reduced diet. Studies at the University of Tennessee have shown that three servings of yogurt a daycan help you to lose 22% more weight, 60% more body fat, than a restricted-calorie diet . In addition, 80% more abdominal fat was lost in the group with yogurt.
You can add yogurt to your morning cereal; pour it over a bowl of fresh fruit; throw it in the blender, add whatever you want, and make a smoothie; or simply spoon it from its store container and eat it like pudding.
What you may not know is that eating three 6 ounce (the standard single size container) servings of yogurt per day will provide you with about 1100 milligrams of dietary calcium. It will also give you high quality protein without loading up the calorie count. French women have long known that adding one or two servings of yogurt each day to their diets helps them keep their famously slim French profiles.
As admirable as having a slim profile may be, if you are female, and especially if you are a Baby Boomer, you are probably thinking more and more about getting dietary calcium. You know that osteoporosis is a real risk for postmenopausal women. The same calcium found in yogurt which helps your bones stay strong as been clinically shown to promote weight loss, reduce body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass, and most importantly, eliminate abdominal fat.
Abdominal fat has been linked to a number of serious conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. When three 6-ounce servings of low-fat yogurt are included in a calorie-reduced diet, abdominal fat loss is shown to increase an average of 81% over the amount lost with a calorie-restricted diet alone.
How can you add yogurt to your weight loss diet?
Begin your day with a trio of super foods: prepare a half a cup of oatmeal (rolled oats, not instant), add a half a cup of wild blueberries, and mix in six ounces a cup of low-fat yogurt.
If you brown bag it to school or work, toss in a carton of yogurt along with your sandwich. Look for low-fat frozen yogurt instead of ice. Substitute plain yogurt for sour cream on your potato or in your vegetable dips.
Make yogurt cheese (simply pour plain yogurt into cheesecloth and let it drain into a bowl over night). Yogurt cheese, like tofu, picks up the flavor of anything you mix it with. So mix it with peanut butter, mayonnaise, or even ice cream and cut your fat and calories while getting all the nutritional and weight-loss benefits of yogurt!
Even if you use a sweet flavored yogurt like lemon or vanilla to make yogurt cheese, you will keep the sweet flavor but have a much richer texture. There is really no reason why yogurt cannot play a leading role in your weight loss diet!

Benefits of Phentermine (Adipex) 37.5 mg:

Phentermine (Adipex) 37.5 mg is the best known weight suppressant drug which can keep your weight in check by suppressing the desire to eat more food. The reason for the diet suppressant in the body is due to the ingredient of Phentermine. This drug is best for short-term health management, but taking of this drug should be avoided for longer period weight reduction solutions. This pill is easily available in many online pharmacy and retail stores. Before buying from online pharmacy, the authenticity of the pharmacy should be checked thoroughly. It is very essential to find the trustworthiness and reliability of online store.

Phentermine (Adipex) acts as stimulation for nervous system and also known as anorectic. It stimulates the satiate centre of the brain, which in turn makes you feel less hungry and this way it suppresses your appetite which leads to consumption of controlled diet. This suppressant diet is ideal for weight control. This may be due to the boost of metabolism in the body which suppress the desire for excess food and create the sense of fullness in the mind of the person. To get the best result of Phentermine (Adipex) for weight control, you should simultaneously start exercising and taking controlled diet. This procedure, if followed seriously can get you the best result.

Phentermine 37.5 diet pills are not new to the market and are offering the needs of individuals from a reasonable time. All you have to do is to buy them from any of the health-related retail store as they are easily available in the market. You can even utilize online stores for buying them as there are numerous internet websites which in turn provide you these types of service. Phentermine 37.5 medication is generally available in the market in several various arrangements or doses.

You can find 15 milligrams and 30 mg tablets in the market and will additionally discover phentermine 37.5 mg tablets. Individuals generally choose phentermine 37.5 mg tablets as more quantity of Phentermine (Adipex) medication can help within dropping more weight in less time. But the result of fat reduction basically depends on how you intake it and in what amount. They are usually obtained simply right after talking to a physician in order to get preferred outcomes. You can also consider support of several publications that specify concerning their utilization or can go online for getting more knowledge about these. Undertaking some easy routines along with the use of phentermine weight control tablets could definitely help you in getting more precised outcomes.

Therefore start using phentermine 37.5 mg tablets now and get a perfect entire body.

Phentermine helps control your appetite, and boosts your metabolism. Side effects are numerous. The most serious include nausea, chronic constipation, elevated bloodpressure, insomnia, and addiction. Make no mistake, Phentermine is an amphetamine. It's a tightly controlled substance for a reason, and should ONLY be used under a Doctor's supervision.

With that said, yes, it will help you lose weight. Early on the nausea helps you learn when to stop eating (ie. portion control). The boost in metabolism keeps you burning calories even though your body wants to slow things down because it's taking in less calories (the dreaded starvation mode). With normal diet and exercise, most people lose a pound or two a week. Using the Phentermine can boost it to 3 to 5 pounds a week.

Now, Phentermine is not a magic bullet! Eating a low fat, high fiber, balanced diet is essential. So is exercising, 3 to 5 times a week. You can still pork out and not lose weight, even while taking the drug. If you stop losing weight, your doctor is quite likely to stop writing prescriptions for it. BTW- You can only get a 30 day supply of Phentermine at a time with no refills. So you have to keep going back to your doctor (remember, controlled substance!).

Concerning all the ads for Phentermine that you see (saw) in the article. If you have a AAA membership, you can get a 30 day supply of genuine 37.5mg Phentermine from your local pharmacy for less than $20.

One last comment, if you want to lose weight AND KEEP IT OFF, you have to make a life style change. Once most people reach their weight goal, they go off their diet, stop exercising, and gain all the weight back and more. It has to be a permanent change to your eating and exercising habits or all your effort will go to waste. The voice of experience is speaking!

You'd be surprised just how many people in the world have the same story to tell when it comes to losing weight. From all the promising and widely advertised diet programs that lure you into spending your hard earned money to the very latest weight loss supplements, health drinks, and herbal pills, you still end up losing not a single pound. These are some of the countless losing weight testimonials that could be frustrating at times.
Obesity is indeed an uphill task. It's a condition we have created ourselves with our bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyles. The ache and pain we suffer because of the extra pounds is becoming a huge problem in today's world. Losing weight is always easier said than done and most of us need a little extra help along the way.
That's why we need the magic boost of Phentermine in order to achieve our weight loss goal. Incorporating phentermine into your weight loss program, along with healthy diet and ample exercise can cause a great deal of weight loss in the initial week of intake. An appetite suppressant pill that has been available in the market for almost five decades, phentermine has been successful in helping obese patient cope up with obesity problems and achieve their ideal weight.
Phentermine is Considered an Effective Weight Loss Tool
Most of us rely on dieting in order to lose weight. But more often than not dieting can further worsen your weight problem. It may work initially and help you lose a few pounds. But when you switched back to your regular diet, the weight just all came back. Losing weight through dieting is really a tough path as obese patients finds it hard to control their urges and cravings for binge eating.